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【学术通知】日本关西大学商学部教授高井啓二:The Probabilistic Laws in Consumer Behavior Analysis

  • 发布日期:2024-02-23
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: The Probabilistic Laws in Consumer Behavior Analysis

主 讲 人高井啓二,日本关西大学商学部教授

主 持 人: 阎俊,市场营销系教授




高井啓二,日本关西大学商学部教授、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校心理学系客座研究员。他于大阪大学工程科学研究生院数学科学部获得工学博士学位。研究兴趣包括:潜变量模型;渐近理论:缺失数据分析;数据挖掘;消费者行为数据建模。他主持过 8 项日本振兴学会基金项目,研究成果发表在 Stats, Statistics and Computing, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Computational Statistics, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 等计算科学领域的知名期刊上。


In the analysis of consumer data, there are two main types of models: the Decision model and the Descriptive model. The Decision model, such as regression models, is used for business decision-making. On the other hand, the Descriptive model merely describes the characteristics of the data, with typical examples being probability distributions like the negative binomial distribution and Lomax distribution. Although such models have become less common in recent years, many datasets still show a high degree of fit with these basic probability distributions. This presentation will not only provide a fundamental explanation of the Descriptive model but also illustrate how Descriptive models are applied in analyses across entirely different fields, and what insights can be gained from them.


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