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【学术通知】日本关西大学商学部教授矢田勝俊:Reading the Consumer's Mind: Application of Consumer Behavior and Business Research Through Data Mining

  • 发布日期:2024-02-23
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: Reading the Consumer's Mind: Application of Consumer Behavior and Business Research Through Data Mining

主 讲 人矢田勝俊,日本关西大学商学部教授

主 持 人: 阎俊,市场营销系教授




矢田勝俊教授是日本关西大学工商学院前任院长、博士生导师,关西大学卓越教授奖获得者。他是日本知名的数据科学专家,曾担任日本文部科学省重点项目——关西大学数据挖掘应用研究中心(2009-2014)及关西大学数据科学研究中心(2014-2018)主任。2019 年他获得日本文部省文部科学大臣的表彰,是迄今为止社会科学领域唯一获奖者。

他的研究兴趣集中在有关数据挖掘的信息战略和信息技术对组织的影响。他在日文和英文国际期刊上发表论文 60 多篇。他是第一个在数据挖掘领域权威期刊 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 上发表论文的日本学者,在日本数据挖掘应用研究长期居于领先地位。他目前担任国际知名期刊《The Review of Socio-network Strategies》主编、《New Mathematics and Natural Computation》和《International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms》的客座编辑,以及 IEEE ICDM 和 IEEE SMC 等多个国际学会的主席。


This talk highlights the revolutionary impact of data mining on understanding consumer behavior and business research. We begin with the basics of data mining, exploring the types and methods of collecting consumer data. We then delve into how this data is analyzed to predict consumer behavior, illustrating with examples such as purchase history and online activity patterns. The focus is on key data mining techniques like segmentation analysis, predictive modeling, and calculating customer lifetime value (CLV), and how they enhance targeted marketing, customer satisfaction, and retention rates. We also address the ethical use and privacy of consumer data, including legal considerations and best practices for data protection. Finally, we provide strategies and tools for future business leaders and marketers to leverage data mining for deeper consumer insights and innovative business strategies, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision making in today's business success.


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